How to Take Smart Notes

Takeaways from the book produced by Sonke Ahrens

Mansoor Aldosari
1 min readFeb 27, 2023
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Take Good Notes
Taking good notes is essential for learning and thinking. It helps you to organize thoughts and make connections. Eventually, you will recall ideas with ease.

Notes Generates Ideas
The best notes are notes that generate ideas. Instead of summarizing only, try to engage with the material and generate new ideas.

Have a System
Zettlekasten is a powerful tool for note-taking and organizing notes. This system links notes so that relationships and patterns emerge from within.

Revise Your Notes
Make good use of your notes, and review them regularly. It helps reinforce learning and helps to keep your notes relevant over time.

Note Taking Skills
Note-taking improves over time; experiment with different methods and find what works for you.

Personal Responsibility
Take personal responsibility for educating yourself, rather than relying on secondary resources or experts, read primary sources, think critically, and develop insights.

Happy Learning!



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